When an employer offers you $20 an hour, this is only because you will be generating more than $20 for that capitalist. If you were paid exactly what you’re worth, the exact value you produced, the capitalist would not hire you, because they would make no profit.
The capitalist comes to the market with a quantity of money, and strictly wants to increase it. They have no need to, so he can walk away from any deal. Contrast to the labourer, who comes to the market with a quantity of labour, needing to turn it into different forms like food and shelter, and has no option – they must make a deal to survive.
Capitalism is a system where the only things that get done in an economy are those things where profit is able to be made. Feeding the hungry is secondary. Providing healthcare is secondary. Education is secondary. Housing the homeless is secondary. Every human value takes a back seat to profit.
I don’t want my future constrained to only things that make capitalists profits
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