⚫ AnarchistArt.net ★Ⓐ Art for the Revolution!

Fascism is not to be debated, it is to be smashed

C’est aux fachos qu’il faut faire la peau pas aux animaux

Torch demonstrations for Aleppo in Copenhagen, Denmark

Errico Malatesta, born Dec. 14,1853-died July 22,1932 https://libcom.org/history/malatesta-errico-1877-1932

Racism: alive and sick!!! The lone holdout juror was actually black. What are your opinions??? How does systematic racism affect…

Racism: alive and sick!!! The lone holdout juror was actually black. What are your opinions??? How does systematic racism affect…

Imagine that trees gave wi-fi we would all be planting trees like crazy and would end deforestation… it’s a pity…

War is peace – Freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength (1984)

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Whats your favorite Quotes from Peter Kroptkin ?

Whats your favorite Quotes from Peter Kroptkin ?

“Smartphones suck the soul in silence.” #Stencil by #InSerra #StreetArt #salerno