⚫ AnarchistArt.net ★Ⓐ Art for the Revolution!

Please don’t feed the animals (democrats & republicans)

Tattoo design by Paul Dobleman : https://www.instagram.com/pauldobleman/

If it’s not your body it’s not your decision

“Politicians discussing climate change” Sculpture by Isaac Cordal

join the I.W.W today 😉 one for all, all for one https://iww.org/

Please all page likers- make this viral! Oh and I apologize for the silly hashtags.

Please all page likers- make this viral! Oh and I apologize for the silly hashtags.

Evolution is ”just a theory” …like gravity

This land does not belong to you, it is you who belong to this land

On this day in 1864, the Sand Creek massacre took place, when US troops attacked a peaceful gathering of Cheyenne…

Homo Shopus: The final stage in our evolution. Adbusters

“There is a trend for wealthy Gulf men to travel to the impoverished Egyptian rural areas to find much younger,…

Fuck the RAC – Support your scene! Fight the fascist scum!

“continuing pressure on rape victims to marry their attackers in order to avoid bringing shame on their families”

What would be a good response to this ? by the way here is the link I gave him http://www.a-revolt.org/Multimedia/Propaganda/Pamphlets/Parliament_or_Democracy.pdf

“Although many of Morocco’s male guardianship laws were overturned in reforms in 2004 and 2014, women still legally need their…

Poverty is not an accident like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of…

War is peace freedom is slavery ignorance is strength

If you work it you should control it – fight for workers self management

La fourrure c’est sur les animaux, pas sur les vieilles peaux

Non! La France ne peut pas accueillir plus de racistes

Tonight at #NODAPL site: “Water protectors are done with the military-style barricades. We are done with the flood lights and…