⚫ AnarchistArt.net ★Ⓐ Art for the Revolution!

I hope I don’t get killed for being black today

to all the trolls out there in the internet wastelands

Kill one person it’s murder, kill thousands it’s foreign policy

Fight sexism – if you can bake a cake you can make a bomb

Boycott corrida! Torture is not part of our culture

Companeras, A las barricadas!! C.N.T. Union, Accion, Autogestion

The government protecting and serving the shit out of you

Skaters against homophobia – gay? straight? fuck it, let’s skate!

Citoyen du monde – citizen of the world – ciudadano del mundo

Workers of the world unite – You have nothing to lose but your chains

Workers of the world unite – You have nothing to lose but your chains

It blows my mind that some people believe otherwise.