⚫ AnarchistArt.net ★Ⓐ Art for the Revolution!

Don’t steal – the government hates competition

On this day in 1961, scores of Algerian demonstrators were massacred by police in Paris. They had been marching in…

Who sleeps in democracy wakes up in dictatorship

“The first fully autonomous female front line combat troops in human history. The Kurdish YJA-STAR trained and led YPJ. 21,000…

Squat and fight – we dont want just one house we want the whole fuckin city

Squat and fight – we dont want just one house we want the whole fuckin city

Tune in to our very own Radio Guerilla now broadcasting revolutionary anarchist music 24/7 – so tune in and chill…

There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people

We are legion – we do not forgive – we do not forget

#Activism is my rent for living on the planet. – Alice Walker –

Two years on since the death of Loukanikos, rest in power our four legged comrade. http://roarmag.org/2014/10/loukanikos-riot-dog-dies/

that’s why you need to tune into our radio http://www.a-revolt.org/Code/Guerilla_Radio/index.html

Warning: punk music may cause creativity and individuality