⚫ AnarchistArt.net ★Ⓐ Art for the Revolution!

Autonomous Revolutionary Nordic Alliance (ARNA) and call for the antiG20 mobilizations in Hamburg 6-8 July: https://gatorna.info/threads/autonomous-revolutionary-nordic-alliance-arna-and–331/

#fakenews just a public service announcement for all you workers working your life away for the sake of work or…

La rebeldia es la vida: la sumision es la muerte (Ricardo Flores Magon)

A protest of appr. 1.500 took place just an hour ago in Athens, Greece in solidarity to Vila Zografou Squat…

A protest of appr. 1.500 took place just an hour ago in Athens, Greece in solidarity to Vila Zografou Squat…

When injustice becomes law rebellion becomes duty

Harness the wind, the sun and the waves – we don’t need this nuclear waste!

Qu’attends tu du ciel? Il n’en vient que des bombes

Neither God Nor Master – Cover for Cienfuegos Press Anarchist Review by Clifford Harper

I’m going to protect & serve the shit out of you